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Read What our Clients Have to Say

Hear what our clients have to say about working with Team Hatvany. We are also always welcome to connect you to those who have worked with us in the past should you want referrals tailored to a particular time, price bracket, or property type.

Thanks to you, Team Marvelous for your thorough, diligent and diplomatic work on the many facets of this sale.

- Emiko -

Fantastic! Thank you, Nina, for all that you did to help here. You were absolutely terrific!

- Doug M -

You were perfect, Team Hatvany! Thank you for putting up with my bullshit.


- Don -

Vicki and I just wanna say thank you thank you thank you! We absolutely love our new home on Vallejo. You thought of it you found it you showed us to it and we’re living here now and we absolutely love it. Thank you Nina

- David and Vicki -

You and Natalie have been incredible in the way you have helped steer us through this crazy housing market. It is very easy for us to understand how you have developed the reputation and standing as the premier SF real estate team.

Thank you for taking all of our calls, listening to us vent, and most importantly, giving us the confidence that we are making a good decision for our future.

- David and Sarah -

Thanks so much, Nina and Natalie for all your help with the process (and the closing gift)!

It’s been terrific to work with you — we’ve really appreciated your professionalism, counsel, and help navigating the process, and are thrilled to start our lives in the new home. Michelle A. was absolutely right in her enthusiastic reference, which we’re of course happy to pass to along to anyone else too.

Thanks again — we’ll definitely be in touch!

- Dan H -

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